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Migration Guide


Neutrino v7 to v8

Neutrino v8 introduces a number of changes, with some of them being breaking changes. To upgrade from Neutrino v7 to v8, be sure to check this list for tasks you may need to perform to use this latest version:

  • BREAKING CHANGE Middleware and preset packages have been migrated and scoped under the new @neutrinojs organization. See Migrated Packages for the full list of deprecated packages and the new scoped packages to migrate to. The core neutrino package remains available as is.
  • BREAKING CHANGE Removed entry option in order to support multiple main entry points via new mains options. See Customization for usage of mains in .neutrinorc.js. See API for usage of mains from the API. (#487)
  • BREAKING CHANGE *.css files in mains chunks are no longer inlined into the JS bundle by default. They are moved into a separate CSS file. To disable CSS extraction, pass options.extract = false to the style-loader middleware, or = false to the web preset. (#443)
  • BREAKING CHANGE There is no longer a plugin named minify when using the minify middleware. This is due to the minify middleware now being a composition of three different middleware. The associated plugins are babel-minify, style-minify, and image-minify, from their associated individual middleware, which can also be used separately.
  • BREAKING CHANGE The Karma preset now uses Headless Chrome by default to run tests. To that end, you will need Chrome 60+ installed. (#283)
  • BREAKING CHANGE The API methods .call() and .run() no longer accept additional middleware to load prior to running their registered handler. If you wish to load middleware prior, use the .use() method first. Also, these methods no longer automatically load .neutrinorc.js either, you must load this using .use() as well. (#425) (#424) For a concrete example, .eslintrc.js, which utilizes these changes, would migrate to the following:
const { Neutrino } = require('neutrino');

module.exports = Neutrino({ root: __dirname })
  • BREAKING CHANGE When building, file-loader and url-loader will generate file names with pattern [name].[hash].[ext] instead of [hash].[ext]. (#435)
  • BREAKING CHANGE The web preset no longer uses the script-ext plugin. It was never functional and did not serve a purpose at this time. (#500)

Migrated Packages

Deprecated Preset/Middleware New Scoped Package
neutrino-middleware-banner @neutrinojs/banner
neutrino-middleware-chunk @neutrinojs/chunk
neutrino-middleware-clean @neutrinojs/clean
neutrino-middleware-compile-loader @neutrinojs/compile-loader
neutrino-middleware-copy @neutrinojs/copy
neutrino-middleware-dev-server @neutrinojs/dev-server
neutrino-middleware-env @neutrinojs/env
neutrino-middleware-eslint @neutrinojs/eslint
neutrino-middleware-font-loader @neutrinojs/font-loader
neutrino-middleware-hot @neutrinojs/hot
neutrino-middleware-html-loader @neutrinojs/html-loader
neutrino-middleware-html-template @neutrinojs/html-template
neutrino-middleware-image-loader @neutrinojs/image-loader
neutrino-middleware-loader-merge @neutrinojs/loader-merge
neutrino-middleware-minify @neutrinojs/minify
neutrino-middleware-pwa @neutrinojs/pwa
neutrino-middleware-start-server @neutrinojs/start-server
neutrino-middleware-style-loader @neutrinojs/style-loader
neutrino-preset-airbnb-base @neutrinojs/airbnb-base
neutrino-preset-jest @neutrinojs/jest
neutrino-preset-karma @neutrinojs/karma
neutrino-preset-mocha @neutrinojs/mocha
neutrino-preset-node @neutrinojs/node
neutrino-preset-react @neutrinojs/react
neutrino-preset-web @neutrinojs/web

Neutrino v6 to v7

Neutrino v7 introduces some changes, most of which are from major version bumps of dependent packages. To upgrade from Neutrino v6 to v7, be sure to check this list for tasks you may need to perform to use this latest version:

  • BREAKING CHANGE webpack-chain upgraded to v4. The breakage from this upgrade is the .noParse method which is now a plain shortcut method, allowing you to set any value.
  • BREAKING CHANGE webpack upgraded to v3. While most users should need no changes for this upgrade, be aware that it may still be possible for something to change during this upgrade.
  • BREAKING CHANGE The Web and React presets no longer include babel-polyfill by default, and have removed the polyfill.babel option. If you need babel-polyfill in your app, please import it.
  • BREAKING CHANGE ESLint has been upgraded to v4, which may bring linting configuration changes.
  • BREAKING CHANGE The Neutrino static option has been removed. The Web, React, and Node.js presets will still copy files from a src/static directory if it exists, but you can override your own copying directives using the neutrino-middleware-copy middleware.
  • BREAKING CHANGE Certain processes like minification or starting the dev server used to happen during many different values for the NODE_ENV environment variable. These are now controlled to run during certain NODE_ENV values like production or development, or when using certain commands like start or build. Look at the documentation for your specific presets to determine what environments or commands are used for certain configuration changes.
  • BREAKING CHANGE The minify plugin has switched to using the BabelMinifyWebpackPlugin, so the middleware options have been renamed from babili to minify and from overrides to plugin, e.g. neutrino.use(minify, { minify: {}, plugin: {} }) or ['neutrino-middleware-minify', { minify: {}, plugin: {} }].

Neutrino v5 to v6

Neutrino v6 introduces a number of changes, with some of them being breaking changes. To upgrade from Neutrino v5 to v6, be sure to check this list for tasks you may need to perform to use this latest version:

  • BREAKING CHANGE Neutrino overrides and configuration is no longer done from package.json, but can automatically be picked up in a .neutrinorc.js file. If you want to leave your configuration in package.json until you migrate completely to the RC file, put the following contents in your .neutrinorc.js file:
const pkg = require('./package.json');

module.exports = {
  options: pkg.neutrino.options || {},
  use: [
    ...(pkg.neutrino.use || []),
    neutrino => neutrino.config.merge(pkg.neutrino.config || {})

See the documentation on .neutrinorc.js for more details on overriding configuration.

  • BREAKING CHANGE The Web and React presets no longer include a polyfill for Buffer. This saves approximately 60KB of polyfills from being loaded, at the expense of using the Buffer constructor. If you need the Buffer constructor or a dependency relies on it, you can override the configuration in .neutrinorc.js:
neutrino.config.node.set('Buffer', true)
  • BREAKING CHANGE Neutrino no longer relies on HOST, PORT, and HTTPS environment variables for overriding the webpack-dev-server settings, respectively. You can choose to either override these from .neutrinorc.js or a one-off basis using CLI options:
// Override a preset/middleware:
module.exports = {
  use: [
    ['neutrino-preset-react', {
      devServer: {
        host: '',
        port: 3000,
        https: true
// Override all presets:
module.exports = {
  options: {
    host: '',
    port: 3000,
    https: true
# Override from CLI
neutrino start --options.port 3000 --options.https
  • BREAKING CHANGE Setting host of for webpack-dev-server is insecure and will not work properly. This is from causing a potential security issue into webpack users' machines. When using host, specify your actual local IP address, and Neutrino will bind it to the public property of webpack-dev-server and set the host to for you. Attempting to access the site from a host other than specified will result in an invalid host header error.

Should you absolutely need to access the site from any potential host, for example if behind a proxy or firewall, override from .neutrinorc.js:

// Override a preset/middleware
module.exports = {
  use: [
    ['neutrino-preset-react', {
      devServer: {
        disableHostCheck: true

// Override configuration
  • BREAKING CHANGE The chunk middleware no longer includes a plugin named "chunk", and instead exposes several plugins which handle different chunking mechanisms: named-modules, named-chunks, vendor-chunk, runtime-chunk, and name-all.

  • BREAKING CHANGE With the changes in chunk middleware, there is no longer a named-modules middleware for v6 since this now comes with the chunk middleware.

  • BREAKING CHANGE All non-JS assets within your source directory are not automatically copied to the output directory. A new Neutrino option for static now specifies a directory for all non-compiled/included assets, and this defaults to src/static. For example, if you wanted to include some images into the build that are not imported into your project, you can place them in src/static and they will be automatically copied to build/static.

  • BREAKING CHANGE The run function from Neutrino's exports has been removed in favor of a run method on the API.

  • BREAKING CHANGE The build, start, test, and inspect functions from Neutrino's exports no longer instantiate the Neutrino API, but are now functions that are passed to the Neutrino API's run method. For example, to run the build function, you can pass it via:

const { Neutrino, build } = require('neutrino');

  .run('build', [middleware], build)
  .fork(errorHandler, successHandler);

See the Neutrino API for details on the updated API.

  • BREAKING CHANGE Since the Neutrino API has changed, creating a .eslintrc.js file has also changed. If you have your middleware defined in .neutrinorc.js, your .eslintrc.js file can be as simple as:
module.exports = require('neutrino/src/api')().call('eslintrc');

For a more verbose example version without .neutrinorc.js:

const { Neutrino } = require('neutrino');
const api = Neutrino();

module.exports ='eslintrc', ['neutrino-preset-airbnb-base', 'neutrino-preset-react']);

BREAKING CHANGE An empty object is no longer passed as options to middleware if no options have been specified.

Dependency potential BREAKING CHANGES:

  • babel-core upgraded to v7.0.0
  • file-loader upgraded to v0.11.2
  • file-loader removed from html-loader middleware, switched to html-loader
  • babili-webpack-plugin upgraded to v0.1.1
  • css-loader upgraded to v0.28.4
  • style-loader upgraded to v0.18.2
  • jest upgraded to v20.0.3
  • react-hot-loader upgraded to v3.0.0-beta.7

  • Async polyfills are now using fast-async instead of Babel's regenerator. The reasoning is explained in the fast-async README:

'fast-async' is a Babel v6.x.x plugin that implements the ES7 keywords async and await using syntax transformation at compile-time, rather than generators. The main reason for using 'fast-async' as opposed to Babel's default implementation of async/await is performance ( - it's 3-4 times faster in a browser/node, and as much as 10 times faster on a mobile browsers, mainly due to avoiding generators (and therefore regenerator).

If you wish to disable the fast-async polyfill, you can specify it to the Web, React, and Node.js presets from your .neutrinorc.js:

module.exports = {
  use: [
    ['neutrino-preset-web', {
      polyfills: { async: false }
  • The React preset is now additionally Babel-compiled with transform-class-properties, and during development also includes transform-es2015-classes to work around

  • The Node.js preset, start-server middleware, and babel-preset-env in any middleware can be debugged with the --debug CLI flag or the Neutrino option debug.

  • The Node.js preset now compiles Babel to support Node.js LTS which has moved to v6.10 from v6.9.

  • Babel compiles using a cacheDirectory to improve subsequent build times.

  • The Neutrino API now exposes generic prerun and run events which are triggered prior to at any command running, e.g. running neutrino build will trigger a prebuild, prerun, build, and run events.

  • The ESLint middleware now defaults to a development NODE_ENV if none is specified.

  • Configuration can now more easily be overridden based on the values of environment variables from .neutrinorc.js using the env property. Each property within env maps to an environment variable with key-values mapping to environment values which contain further middleware. This works for any environment variable, not just NODE_ENV. For example, if you wanted to include additional middleware when NODE_ENV is production:

module.exports = {
  env: {
    NODE_ENV: {
      production: {
        use: ['neutrino-middleware-pwa']

Neutrino v4 to v5

Neutrino v5 introduces a number of changes, with some of them being breaking changes. To upgrade from Neutrino v4 to v5, be sure to check this list for tasks you may need to perform to use this latest version:

  • Updates to config for creating plugins (from webpack-chain v3 upgrade):
// Creating plugins in v4
  .use(WebpackPlugin, ...args)

// Creating plugins in v5
  .use(WebpackPlugin, args)
  • Updates to config for modifying plugins (from webpack-chain v3 upgrade):
// Modifying plugins in v4
  .inject((Plugin, args) => new Plugin(...newArgs))

// Modifying plugins in v5
  .tap(args => newArgs);
  • Updates to config for creating loaders (from webpack-chain v3 upgrade):
// Creating loaders in v4
  .loader('babel', 'babel-loader', {
    options: {
      plugins: ['your-babel-plugin']

// Creating loaders in v5
    .options({ plugins: ['your-babel-plugin'] });
  • Updates to config for modifying loaders (from webpack-chain v3 upgrade). The function now gets its options directly instead of being nested in an object:
// Modifying loaders in v4
  .loader('babel', props => merge(props, {
    options: {
      plugins: ['your-babel-plugin']

// Modifying loaders in v5
      .tap(options => merge(options, { plugins: ['your-babel-plugin'] }));
  • Updates to include and exclude for rules (from webpack-chain v3). In the previous webpack-chain package, include and exclude were functions where you provided paths as arguments. These are now ChainedMaps, making them much more extensible should you need to manipulate these values:
// Adding rule includes and excludes in v4
    .include(x, y)
    .exclude(x, y);

// Adding rule includes and excludes in v5

// You can also use .merge() to add multiple paths at once:
    .include.merge([x, y]).end()
    .exclude.merge([x, y]);
  • Simple configuration via package.json now done from top-level neutrino object. Rename config to neutrino, and rename config.neutrino to neutrino.config. Presets also fall under this neutrino object. The custom object has been renamed to options.
  "neutrino": {
    "config": {
      "entry": {
        "vendor": ["react"]
    "use": [
    "options": {
      "mocha": {
        "reporter": "nyan"
  • The Web preset has renamed its styling rule from css to style:
// v4 API for Web preset

// v5 API for Web preset
  "neutrino": {
    "config": {
      "module": {
        "rule": {
          "style": {}
  • The Neutrino CLI has renamed --presets to --use to better reflect the usage of middleware and presets, and to make the inclusion of middleware consistent with the API at neutrino.use().
  • Jest upgraded to v19, which changes the option testPathDirs to roots. Jest options set using package.json can now only be done at neutrino.options.jest (no more package.json jest);
  • Linting base is deprecated in favor of neutrino-middleware-eslint:
// v4 API
const lint = require('neutrino-lint-base');

  .loader('eslint', props => merge(props, { rules: { /* */ } }));

// v5 API
const eslint = require('neutrino-middleware-eslint');

neutrino.use(eslint, {
  eslint: {
    rules: { /* */ }
  • When using a linting preset or consuming anything with neutrino-middleware-eslint, the eslintrc() method has been moved from neutrino.custom.eslintrc to neutrino.eslintrc:
// v4 API

// v5 API
  • The default export of the Neutrino package is now an object with several methods, one of these being the low-level Neutrino API:
const { Neutrino } = require('neutrino');
  • The Neutrino API has undergone significant changes and no longer needs to be called as a constructor with new.

  • The Neutrino API no longer accepts preset strings as its argument. The function now accepts an options object to be set at neutrino.options:

const { Neutrino } = require('neutrino');
const api = Neutrino({ mocha: { reporter: 'nyan' } });

api.options.mocha.reporter // "nyan"
  • Since the Neutrino API no longer accepts preset strings in its constructor, you must now pass presets and middleware as code/functions to the .use() method.
// v4 API
const Neutrino = require('neutrino');
const api = new Neutrino(['neutrino-preset-node', 'neutrino-preset-mocha']);

// v5 API
const { Neutrino } = require('neutrino');
const api = Neutrino();


This also means the API function no longer does preset module resolution. If you wish to require presets and middleware and have them simultaneously used, use requiresAndUses:

// v5 API
const { Neutrino } = require('neutrino');
const api = Neutrino();

  • neutrino.getWebpackOptions() has been removed in favor of the lower level to neutrino.config.toConfig().
  • Using a node target no longer skips the watcher for a builder, it now uses the webpack source watcher. This means commands like neutrino start && node build are obsolete. neutrino build && node build would work to start a Node instance for production-built bundles.